30 Days of Mobile Testing challenge – Day 6 to 10

This is my second blog in the 30 Days of Mobile Testing challenge (#30DaysOfMobileTesting), where I give more context to the 140 character tweets I posted. Day 6 : “If you are an Android person, test something on iOS and vice-versa” I test on both devices all the time. I see it as a required…

First Impression Test

Frequently I’m confronted with the fact that the User Story has been built, but the software is not pushed to the build server where I can download it from and put it on my mobile device to test it. The reason is that the developer needs to have his/her code reviewed by a colleague developer….

30 Days of Mobile Testing challenge – Day 1 to 5

I’m participating in the 30 Days of Mobile Testing challenge (#30DaysOfMobileTesting) organized by Daniel Knott. I decided to blog on this to share my experiences with the challenges provided to participants. This is the first blog in a series of 6, where I give more context to the 140 character tweets I posted. Day 1…

Telling your stories using some concepts of BDD

Within the testing community, the statement is going around that Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) is some kind of threat for testing. I must say that I have a different point of view on that. The threat is that business is somehow “enforcing” the tester to test the user stories as written down in requirements using…

Session Based Test – Analysis Session

The Analysis Session is the forth out of 6 types of session reports you can create when you use the Session Based Test approach. This report follows the Setup Session report. The goal of the analyses sessions is to “get ideas for deep coverage”. We will do a risk assessment to guide further testing. We…