Do we find bugs with automation?

When we automate a test for an application we know one thing up front. With this certain input, we expect this output. This is what I call a known known. We know the input(s), we know the output. This test can be automated and can be added to a regression test suite to check the…

Unthought Known

Recently, I was listening to some music of Pearl Jam. I have a ticket to a concert, so I’m listening to the songs they recently performed live on other concerts. I stumbled on a song a never heard before, Unthought Known. Immediately, my tester mind kicked in. What does this exactly mean, unthought known. I…

The ‘Summertime’ Bug

Some time ago, I tested a feature which was related to date of birth. On a web page, I had to fill in a date of birth, which could be displayed on an App in your handset. Both App and web site are from the same ’company’. So I typed in my date of birth…